Falling Head Over Heels for Fuji- A Love Story in Three Acts

My love affair with Fuji isn't just about the physical beauty. It's about the sense of peace I find there, the connection to nature. It is also about the people I've met along the way, the stories I've shared, and the memories that will last a lifetime.

Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe

This is a wrap-up trip of our 11-day Japan adventure, but it was so full. From historical landmarks to food tasting, our remaining 3 days exploring Japan was jam-packed and has never been boring. 

Layover at Fuji Kawaguchiko

This quiet town of Fujikawaguchiko gets busy with the influx of tourists - foreigners, and locals alike - all year round.

But still, unlike other attractions around here (Mt. Fuji Ropeway and Fuji-Q Highlands) where queues are long, the town also has tourist spots closer to nature, where you can enjoy and relax without getting stressed due to queuing up. If you are fond of walking around to stroll then you will definitely love it there.

Spent 1 Night and 1 Day in Tokyo


Absolutely, a must-visit city for everyone- from all “walks of travel”. A city where tradition and modern life get along in balance. I got the chance for a 1 night-1 day stopover in Tokyo during our Japan trip and I would say, though compressed, it was still loaded with fun. We were able to stretch our legs to explore some of the famous tourist spots around the city.

A Short Winter Trip in Hokkaido

I'm Back! Wheewww! The latter part of the year has been quite tough at work when I thought it will be a more relaxed yearend (due to "code freezes"). Unfortunately, it was not. But then, I was able to slot in a 10-day holiday; a much-awaited stress-relieving trip in my favorite country- Japan! They say... Continue Reading →

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